BDFGC Procedures Manual

Sale Of Surplus Assets By Sealed Bid

The following procedure is to be followed when surplus assets are identified for sale.

  1. A majority vote of the Board Of Directors (BOD) at a monthly meeting is required before offering assets for sale and the BOD shall set a minimum bid price.
  2. Membership Notification Of Sale: A description of the assets (or photo), location, time available for viewing, bidding instructions and minimum bid price shall be posted on the web site (Market Place) for 1 month.  All items sold are in as-is condition and become the buyers responsibility.  All sales are final.
  3. A bid for the assets may be made by sending a cheque (payable to BDFGC) and contact information to the clubs mailing address in an envelope marked Sealed Bid.  Any bids received will remain sealed and be opened only at the next monthly meeting.  The highest bidder will be notified by the Secretary as the winning bidder and the rest of the bids/cheques destroyed.
  4. Once awarded, the sale item(s) shall be removed from the club property at the buyers expense in a reasonable time.
  5. In the event of tie bids, the earliest post marked envelope will be accepted as winning.
  6. In the event that the winning bidder defaults on the purchase (ie. bounced cheque or cannot be contacted) the item will either be (at the discretion of the BOD) re-offered for bid or awarded to the next lowest bidder.



111006 KL/dem


Current Surplus Offerings

Date: 121004
Closes: 121106
Minimum Bid: $750
Description: Jachobsen Real Mower; 84", 13HP, Diesel, 1300 hours.
121107: Items have been sold.

Date: 110908
Closes: 111005
Minimum Bid: $150
Description: Front snow blade, old sickle bar mower, reel mower and gate.
111006: Items have been sold.


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